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Synod Ecclesiology

The True Orthodox Church in Opposition to the Heresy of Ecumenism: Dogmatic and Canonical Issues (English pdf, 367 KB; Greek pdf, 580 KB)

   • Истинная Православная Церковь пред лицом ереси экуменизма: Догматические и канонические вопросы (Russian pdf, 523 KB)

   • Adevărata Biserică Ortodoxă și erezia Ecumenismului: Teme dogmatice și canonice (Romanian pdf, 446 KB)

   • La Vera Chiesa Ortodossa di fronte all’Eresia dell’Ecumenismo: Temi Dogmatici e Canonici (Italian pdf, 446 KB)

   • Истинно Православната Църква пред лицето на икуменическата ерес: Догматически и канонически въпроси (Bulgarian pdf, 481 KB)

   • The True Orthodox Church in Opposition to the Heresy of Ecumenism: Dogmatic and Canonical Issues (Arabic pdf, 976 KB)

Necessary Clarifications—The Unitive Ecclesiological Statement: The Original Text, Translations, and Misinterpretations

The Ecclesiastical Union of the Orthodox Community in Resistance with the Church of the True Orthodox Christians of Greece: Objections, Concerns, and their Resolution (English pdf, 654 KB; Greek pdf, 381 KB)

Wyznanie Wiary Prawdziwie Prawosławnego Chrześcijanina (Polish pdf, 303 KB)

- Wezwanie do Czujności i Wierności „Prawidłowemu Wyznaniu Wiary” Prawdziwych Prawosławnych Cerkwi (Polish pdf, 408 KB)

• Conferenza Interortodossa delle Vere Chiese Ortodosse in vista del Grande Concilio degli Ecumenisti, del 13 maggio 2016 cal. eccl.:

- Confessione di Fede di un Vero Cristiano Ortodosso (Italian pdf, 381 KB)

- Esortazione alla Vigilanza e alla Fedeltà alla “Giusta Confessione di Fede” delle Vere Chiese Ortodosse (Italian pdf, 493 KB)

- Discorso inaugurale del nostro Beatissimo Arcivescovo (Italian pdf, 359 KB)

- Programma (Italian pdf, 179 KB)

- Catalogo Dei Partecipanti (Italian pdf, 270 KB)

• Întrunirea Inter-Ortodoxă a Adevăratelor Biserici Ortodoxe în vederea așa-numitului Mare Sinod al Ecumeniștilor, 13 mai 2016 cal. bis.:

- Mărturisirea de credință a adevăratului creștin ortodox (Romanian pdf, 349 KB)

- Mesaj de trezvie și credincioșie în «Dreapta mărturisire de credință» a Adevăratelor Biserici Ortodoxe (Romanian pdf, 531 KB)

- Omilia Î.P.S Arhiepiscop și Mitropolit Calinic (Romanian pdf, 375 KB)

- Programul (Romanian pdf, 130 KB)

- Catalogul Participanților (Romanian pdf, 240 KB)

• Межправославное Совещание Истинных Православных Церквей перед так называемым Великим Собором Экуменистов, 13-го мая 2016 по церковому календарю:

- Исповедание Веры Истинного Православного Христианина (Russian pdf, 369 KB)

- Воззвание к Бдительности и Верности к «Правильному Вероисповеданию» Истинных Православных Церквей (Russian pdf, 382 KB)

- Вступительная речь Высокопреосвященнейшего Каллиника Архиепископа Церкви Истинных Православных Христиан Греции (Russian pdf, 490 KB)

- Программа (Russian pdf, 179 KB)

- Список Участников (Russian pdf, 255 KB)

• Inter-Orthodox Consultation of the Genuine Orthodox Christians in View of the So-Called Great Synod of the Ecumenists, May 13, 2016 (Old Style) :

- The Confession of Faith of the Genuine Orthodox Christian (English pdf, 253 KB)

- A Message of Vigilance and of Allegiance to the “Right Confession of Faith” of the Genuine Orthodox Christians (English pdf, 437 ΚB)

- Address of His Beatitude, our Archbishop (English pdf, 398 KB)

- Program (English pdf, 140 ΚB)

- List of Participants (English pdf, 279 ΚB)

The Ecclesiocidal Heresy of Ecumenism Is Laying Waste to the Apostolicity of the Church: Syncretistic Ecumenism Is an Intrinsic Component of the “Mystery of Iniquity” (English pdf, 735 KB; Greek pdf, 463 KB)

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