Publications > Periodicals > Agios Kyprianos > 2006

Agios Kyprianos (in Greek)


No. 335: November–December 2006 (pdf, 1.80 ΜB)


Nativity Encyclical
Adult Baptisms
An Important Lecture by His Eminence, Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna
Feast Days and Celebrations
Visit to South Ossetia and Georgia
From the Resolutions of the Holy Synod in Resistance
The Unity and Common Perspective of the Old Calendarist Anti-Ecumenist Orthodox of Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria
The Feast Day of the Holy Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina
Nameday Tribute, “Thanksgiving 2006”
The Reinforcement of the Syncretistic Axis of the Vatican, Athens, and the Phanar
Missionary Visit to South Africa
“An Elder Said”
New Icons

No. 334: September–October 2006 (pdf, 1.45 ΜB)


Encyclical for the Beginning of the New Ecclesiastical Year
Mission to the Congo
Chronicle of the Diocese of Etna
The Feast of the Transfiguration in Romania
“In Search of True Wisdom”
Feast Days and Celebrations
St. Cyprian Protects and Saves from Physical and Spiritual Dangers
“An Elder Said”
• New Monastery Publications: Calendars for 2007

No. 333: July–August 2006 (pdf, 1.24 ΜB)


The Immaculate Theotokos, Our Guide to the Remembrance of God
Bishop Pahomie of Vrancea Departs to the Lord
Missionary News from Africa
Theology Classes
Feast Days and Celebrations
A Gynecologist Speaks Out
Joyous Festal Fellowship With Our Romanian and Bulgarian Brothers and Sisters
“An Elder Said”
• New Monastery Publications

No. 332: May–June 2006 (pdf, 1.50 ΜB)


Witness to the Ethos of Orthodoxy or Syncretistic Coexistence?
Activities at the "Annunciation of the Theotokos" Spiritual Center, Kolonos, Athens
Convocation for Orthodox Awareness in Northern Greece
A Heavenly Revelation to St. Makarios of Egypt (Part III)
From the Life of our Exarchate in America
Heresy as a “Great Stench”
A Tribute to St. John, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco
• “An Elder Said”

No. 331: March–April 2006 (pdf, 1.08 ΜB)


Paschal Encyclical for 2006
Benefit Dinner for Orthodox Missionary Work
From the Life of Our Church
A Heavenly Revelation to St. Makarios of Egypt (Part II)
“Fourteenth Convocation for Orthodox Awareness”
Precious Vial Offered to the Diocese of Luni
St. Nikolai (Velimirović): “How Great and Wondrous is the Presence of God!”
• Miracles of Sts. Cyprian and Justina
• “An Elder Said”

No. 330: January–February 2006 (pdf, 1.40 ΜB)


Message for Holy Theophany 2006
A Testimony to the Spiritual Help of Our Wonderworking Saints
The Website of the Holy Synod in Resistance: Statistical Report for the Year 2005
Holy Theophany 2006
Participation in the WCC as an Ecclesiological Heresy (Part II)
From the Life of Our Church
• “An Elder Said”
Publications and Products: Homilies by His Eminence, Metropolitan Cyprian (CD)

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