Publications > Periodicals > Agios Kyprianos > 2007

Agios Kyprianos (in Greek)


No. 340: September–October 2007 (pdf, 1.62 ΜB)

Selections from the Table of Contents

Encyclical for the Beginning of the New Ecclesiastical Year
Pilgrimage to Russia
Visit to Our Mission in the Congo
From the Life of Our Church
“My Love is Crucified”
The Power of the Precious Cross (St. Cosmas Aitolos)
Inter-Orthodox Celebration of the Transfiguration in Romania
Ordination of Hieromonk Gorazd, from Prague, Czech Republic
Feast Days and Celebrations
Consecration of the Church at the Convent of St. Seraphim in Elaionas, Serrai
Pastoral Visit to England
“An Elder Said”
Publications and Products

No. 339: July–August 2007
(pdf, 1.37 ΜB)


The Most Blessed Theotokos,
  Teacher of Orthodox Asceticism
The Celebration of the Feast of St. Glicherie in Romania
Clergy Conference in South Africa
The Great Mystery of Holy Communion
From the Life of Our Church
The Inauguration of the New Cathedral for Pilgrims
Events in the American Exarchate
The Jesus Prayer
A Joint Appeal from Greeks, Romanians, and Bulgarians
  for the Union of the Russian Anti-Unionists
Aristotle Delembases (†25 May 2007 [Old Style])
“An Elder Said”
Publications and Products

No. 338: May–June 2007
(pdf, 1.09 MB)


The Path from the Cross to Heaven,
  by His Eminence, Bishop Photii of Triaditza
The Example of St. Pachomios
A Very Beneficial Pilgrimage
Concerning the Modesty of Women
Liturgical Life in Cagliari, Sardinia
From the Life of Our Church
Pastoral Visit to Canada
Feast Day of the Holy Trinity Church in California
Miracles of Sts. Cyprian and Justina
Communiqué: Our Attitude Towards the Union of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad With the Mosow Patriarchate
“An Elder Said”
New Book

No. 337: March–April 2007 (pdf, 2.03 ΜB)


Paschal Encyclical
Miracles Worked by the Saints of Our Monastery
Missionary Visit to Kenya and the Congo, Africa
A Miraculous Incident
A Conversation Concerning Prayer
Statistics of the Website of the Holy Synod in Resistance
Fifteenth Convocation for Orthodox Awareness
Clergy Conference in America
The Ethic of the Resurrection
From the Life of Our Church
Pastoral Visit to England
Great Week and Pascha in Oxnard, California
A Compunctionate Prayer of St. Augustine
“An Elder Said”

No. 336: January-February 2007 (pdf, 1.65 ΜB)


Festal Message for Holy Theophany
From the Life of Our Church
Clergy and Monasteries in England Place Themselves Under the Holy Synod in Resistance
Holy Theophany 2007
Benefit Dinner for Orthodox Missionary Work
The Syncretistic Fraternization Between the Vatican, Athens, and the Phanar, and the anti-Patristic Stance of the Holy Mountain
“An Elder Said”
An Interesting Publication in English

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